Thursday, March 20, 2008


Well, it's been a while since our last blog! Things get pretty busy here in Japan, and before we know it we are way behind on our blogging. The most recent and interesting adventure that we have experienced is Sumo Wrestling. WOWEE, is that a trip. Joe and I got on a train to Osaka with our friends Sara, Taube, and Julian and bought bento boxes (Japanese sushi lunch boxes), beer, and chuhi and off we went. While it looks like there's nothing to it, there is actually a lot of tradition and symbolism that goes into this ancient Japanese sport. For instance, the wrestlers lift one leg and slap their foot down which indicates driving out evil spirits. Very interesting. Well, as much as we learned, we still couldn't help from giggling a bit when we saw the BIG Japanese men in their colorful "thong diapers." After a few drinks, we all began placing 10 yen bets (equal to 10 cents) on the wrestlers to shake up the evening! Here are the pictures...

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